Answers to questions

Is there anyway to ONLY see LinkedIN Posts from Connections?

I had to go into

  1. My Network
  2. Connections
  3. Search with Filters
  4. Change first menu People to Posts
  5. Sort By - Latest
  6. Date Posted - Past Week
  7. Select ALL Filters
  8. Posted By 1st Connections, People you Follow, Me
  9. NOW I have news from ONLY people I follow who Post. No more spam or Adverts!

What is the benefit of using Medium for articles rather than your own website?


Pro #1: Republishing

You don’t want Medium to be the primary host for your blog strategy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t republish your content there.

Medium has a built-in republishing tool, which you can access here once you create an account. All you have to do is paste in the URL of the article you want to republish on Medium, click “Import” and presto, your article will be copied over to Medium!

Republishing on Medium is helpful for a few reasons:

  1. You’ll get the virality elements of Medium, like claps and being in people’s home feed.
  2. You’ll get some clicks back to your site from the body of your article if you interlink well.
  3. You can put your republished post in a publication for extra exposure.
  4. Your main article, on your site, will be the one that ranks in Google.

You get all of the benefits of Medium with none of the downsides. Win-win.

LCD and Phone Cleaner wipes

Is Mouthwash a good idea?

Based on the above, what is the preferred mouthwash?

Last modified March 28, 2023: Added printer info (0864984)